
Sisterhood of the World Blogger Awards

So my friend/CP/fangirl partner Erin just tagged me in this post, which I obviously feel obliged to answering because Erin POSED SOME AWESOME QUESTIONS! Thanks, Erin, for thinking of me when writing the post ❤ The rules: Thank the person who nominated you and link back to their site. Put the award logo on your… Continue reading Sisterhood of the World Blogger Awards


On Pitchwars & failing (of sorts)

PitchWars results are out and I didn't make it through. At first, I was really crushed - I was really hoping my MS would get picked up by a mentor, really crossing my fingers at this wonderful opportunity. And when I found out I didn't make it, my stomach churned and all I wanted to… Continue reading On Pitchwars & failing (of sorts)